Another Winter Wood Run

Another Winter Wood Run

“Man may work from Sun to Sun; But a Woman’s Work is Never Done!!” Or how about this … “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.”  Really…? Heading for hearth and home (6° in14″ of snow) in my red toasty warm...

YouTube! The making of a Gumleaf boot

Gumleaf boots are handmade in Europe.  See those hands at work on this new YouTube video showing the creation of a Royal Zip – Gumleaf’s top of the line. “Zips” are the easiest Wellies to get in and out of easily and quickly.   A heavy duty...
The White House: First Lady says “Thanks”

The White House: First Lady says “Thanks”

Leave it to my husband to offer First Lady Michelle Obama a pair of red Norse boots!  It took The White house nearly a month to respond but we opened the letter with great excitement anyway.  In a generic form letter from the Office of the First Lady, Mrs....

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