Another Winter Wood Run

Another Winter Wood Run

“Man may work from Sun to Sun; But a Woman’s Work is Never Done!!” Or how about this … “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.”  Really…? Heading for hearth and home (6° in14″ of snow) in my red toasty warm...

YouTube! The making of a Gumleaf boot

Gumleaf boots are handmade in Europe.  See those hands at work on this new YouTube video showing the creation of a Royal Zip – Gumleaf’s top of the line. “Zips” are the easiest Wellies to get in and out of easily and quickly.   A heavy duty...
The White House: First Lady says “Thanks”

The White House: First Lady says “Thanks”

Leave it to my husband to offer First Lady Michelle Obama a pair of red Norse boots!  It took The White house nearly a month to respond but we opened the letter with great excitement anyway.  In a generic form letter from the Office of the First Lady, Mrs....
Black Norse Customer #0000001

Black Norse Customer #0000001

PBWellies congratulates and thanks Ashley Cameron on being the first owner in the world of the incredibly comfortable and good looking Norse boots in black.  Thanks for the photo, Ashley!!  Enjoy your years ahead of wearing this fine footwear.    ...

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